Wednesday, May 24, 2006

10 minutes of drama in a quiet day

Spent most of today catching up on stuff I needed to do since getting back from Athens.... so all exciting stuff like washing clothes and going food shopping. Had a brief moment of drama when I realized I didn't have my mobile in my pocket at the counter in Tesco's. The woman was asking all those stupid questions, you know the ones, like "Do you need any help with your bags?" - no I'm 26 and have arms and hands; and "Did you find everything you wanted?" - well yes apart from my mobile phone.

Anyway it turned out it was on the floor of my car so the crisis was averted. It's amazing how much of our lives are crammed into a little piece of plastic nowadays.

Apart from that I went to the gym - not been for 2 weeks and nearly killed myself - but felt better for it. Then went home and ate chips so undid all my good work!

Oh and I had a nice phone call from my mum and dad. Which was nice.

Aside from that I spent the majority of the afternoon singing to the Helena Paparizou CD I bought in Athens. Will upload the first track from it tomorrow.... 'cause I'm sad like that!!!

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